Communication Chair Role

Determines the content of information in all STB communications. This includes but is not limited to Newsletters, Facebook, Website, etc.

  • Works with the communications liaison and other members of the STB board to ensure proper content
  • Determines design of all mediums listed above
  • Ensures deadlines are met as agreed upon with the communications liaison

The liaison to communications is the primary point of contact for communications chair. The chair will interact with all the members of the organization to get information to include in the communications. The liaison will be the primary contact with members of the Board to get information and pass it on to the chair or other members of comunications committee.

The chair will work with the liaison to organize the committee and help recruit other communication roles.

There is a need for others to join the committee possible roles include:

  • website publisher - work with information technology committee to publish content on the website.
  • cotent editor - review content submitted for publishing on one our various platforms. This role would work closely with the chair.

Time required - The liaison and chair will work together to discern appropriate time to cover the various tasks. Example of tasks include website, Facebook, newsletters (Education and General) and brochures. Initial focus is a newsletter for Education to go to the Sponsors.

I hope the communications area interests you. If so please reach out to our current our liaison. thanks

Communications resources: